Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Having A Baby? Don't Put Off Decisions About Life Insurance

Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting and life changing experiences couples and individuals have. As your baby's due date approaches, think past all the tiny clothes,nursery decor,baby showers,bottles and baby gear,and give some thought to securing your new baby's future with life insurance.
Many people don't ever think about the need for life insurance  before having a baby. There are many reasons for this,maybe you are single and no one else is depending on you, or perhaps your spouse earns as much as or more than you and would be fine should something  happen to you.  No matter why you've put off life insurance,bringing a child into the equation  changes everything. Securing life insurance can be an important piece of being a responsible parent.
First, your baby is depending on you for everything,food,clothing,love and financial support. It’s going to be a long time until your child grows up and is financially independent. If tragedy were to strike and you were unable to be there to provide, could your family get by?  A life insurance policy can help make sure that there would be enough money coming in even if something happens to you.
Second, your household may be transitioning if you or your spouse is planning to stop working and stay at home with the baby. You may be getting by on only one income instead of two, making it even more important for the working parent to take out a life insurance policy. If something should happen to the working parent, the surviving parent and your child would still have an income.
Starting a family gives your life a whole new meaning. Do your best to be prepare for the unexpected by securing life insurance that will help protect your child should something happen to you.

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